Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Texas

It was time for a much over due road trip so we loaded up our new Fun Finder Cruiser (her inaugural trip), outfitted it with a custom tire cover and stickers from the #rvstickerclub, and headed west towards Colorado Springs in search of cooler temps. 

Juniper Campsites in Palo Duro Canyon

Nice level sites of Juniper Campsites, however, watch out for those rocks.  They're hard to see from the truck!

Our custom tire cover and a few of the stickers we've traded in the #RVstickerclub

We decided to break up our travel with an overnight stay in Palo Duro Canyon State Park.  Being that Amarillo, Texas, is TK's hometown she is always longing for a camping trip back to her stomping grounds of the 2nd largest canyon in the United States!

Another thing that TK is always longing for is a delicious pizza from her favorite pizza joint in Amarillo, Pizza Planet.  Before heading to the canyon we made a pit stop at Pizza Planet for takeout - a well deserved dinner after a long road trip!

We made it to the bottom of Palo Duro Canyon around 5:00 p.m. and in 95 degree temps.  Thank goodness for an RV with awesome air conditioning!  After camp was setup we dined on reheated pizza and salad and then headed outdoors for a little hike once the sun started going down.

A cave you can explore in the canyon.  Unfortunately some of the trails were closed because of heavy rains the night before so we didn't hike that far.

Beautiful colors of Palo Duro Canyon

Remi said that red dirt was too hot for his puppy pads!

That night, while fighting off ever bug in Palo Duro Canyon, we attempted a little night time photography.  With a completely cloud free sky we had the perfect conditions to capture the milky way.  The sky was so dark and there were so many stars out that it looked as if someone had covered the top of the canyon with Christmas tree light netting!

The Milky Way as seen from Palo Duro Canyon 8/31/19

We slept well in the first night of our new Fun Finder.  The next day we packed up and took off for the search of cooler temps again!

We stopped at a few points on our way out of the canyon to take in the scenery

Almost to the top rim of the canyon

Remi says goodbye from Palo Duro Canyon State Park!

Next stop...Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Colorado Springs, Colorado!


Ballard, Washington

Caddo Lake State Park, Texas

Twilight Eagle Santuary, Oregon